MALAYSIA: Orchestrating a Movement to Aid Struggling Artists

Malaysia’s lively urban culture is well-known throughout Asia for its enthusiasm for music. This June 1st through 3rd, a concert will take place for the cause of promoting veteran musicians. Datuk Irwan Shah Abdullah, 64, better known as DJ Dave, is a veteran entertainer in Malaysia who is hoping to generate funding to establish the Malaysia Artist Foundation to help struggling veteran artists. The concert also acts as a celebration of his 40th year in the music industry. His three-day set will consist of about 30 songs accompanied by a 42 piece orchestra, along with a handful of other prominent artists taking the stage. DJ Dave hopes that the concert will be a first step towards a long-term standing foundation. At the very least, the extravagant event illustrates the growing presence of Malaysia’s music industry in the Asian world.

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The Star

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