ALEXIS CRUZ WRITES – Qatar provides the headquarters for the international media powerhouse Al Jazeera. While the network claims to be independent, one of their journalists who is currently incarcerated in Egypt, Mohamed Fahmy, claims that they have failed to support him in court because of political differences between Qatar…
Tag: Radio
ASIA-AT-LARGE: East-West Megamix – British Radio With an Asian Flare
AMBER VERNETTI WRITES: Sunrise Radio, the UK’s first Asian around-the-clock media corporation, celebrated its 25th anniversary this November. Founded by Avtar Lit in 1989, the radio station offers news about the Asian continent and the opinions of broadcasters who support its dissemination to the greater public. The London-based music station…
CAMBODIA: Democracy in (Radio) Waves
ARACELI PALAFOX WRITES- In September, there was a turn in media in Cambodia when Cambodia’s Center for Independent Media (CCIM) applied for radio and television licenses. If granted, CCIM would operate it’s Voice of Democracy (VOD) program through the Ministry of Information. VOD was established in 2003 under Cambodia’s Center for Human…
HONOLULU: East-West Center Announces Pakistan US Journalist Exchange
The East-West Center has announced it is now accepting applications for the 2014 Pakistan-United States Journalists Exchange, March 30-April 19, 2014. This program, now in its fourth year, is designed to increase and deepen public understanding of the two countries and their important relationship, one that is crucial to regional…
South Korea: Making Nice Via More Trade
RYAN LIPPERT WRITES- South Korea, China, and Japan are making progress in efforts to create a free trade zone that would potentially tower over the combined European Union and North American economic hulk. Despite successfully setting aside their otherwise tension-ridden relations to start such discussions, any hope of advancement may…
MALAYSIA: No Ban of Homosexual Portrayals?
It’s official: There is no ban against portraying homosexual or effeminate characters on Malaysian television or radio. Following the Information Department’s Facebook post, which supposedly said they banned the screening of homosexual or effeminate characters in Malaysian media, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim cleared the air. Datuk…
NEW ZEALAND: Port Protest Goes Radio-Active
According to the New Zealand Herald, inflammatory comments encouraging striking port workers to violence by RadioLive host Willie Jackson have infuriated Port of Auckland bosses. Members of the dockworkers union are currently protesting long shifts and lack of job security, as well as the laying off of 292 workers last week. Mr. Jackson described the…