ASIA MEDIA WRITES: NYU’S Jay Rosen has been analyzing the American media for decades. He may be the best mind the U.S. has on this important beat. A recent post by Professor Rosen, however, raised our eyebrows. It praised the New York Times for ‘flooding’ the Ukraine story, calling the soaking-by-staffing “impressive.” Our only question is: Does such media ‘flooding’ contribute to a sense of perspective on the issue or distort that perspective? This is worth thinking about — or so we think.
Prof. Rosen’s post: When the New York Times “floods the zone” and puts its reporting network behind a big international story, it’s impressive. This is the NY Time editor’s note from a recent front page account on Ukraine that Prof. Risen admires:
“David M. Herszenhorn reported from Simferopol, Michael R. Gordon from Rome, and Alissa J. Rubin from Brussels. Reporting was contributed by Peter Baker and Eric Schmitt from Washington; Ellen Barry and Steven Lee Myers from Moscow; Alan Cowell from London; Steven Erlanger from Kiev, Ukraine; Rick Gladstone from New York; Patrick Reevell from Sevastopol, Ukraine; Andrew Roth from Donetsk, Ukraine; Somini Sengupta from the United Nations; and Noah Sneider from Simferopol.”
Does media firepower tempt leaders to amp up their firepower, rhetorical or otherwise?
Is this staff deployment in effect reflecting a Cold War mentality?
Is the lead newspaper of the US news media revealing a Cold War mentality?