ALEX PARK WRITES – There are five groups of people that will not be watching the movie adaptation of E.L. James’ Fifty Shades of Grey.
People who loved the book but know that the movie will disappoint, those who were intensely uncomfortable with the material, women activists who stand against violence towards women, the actors’ families who would be emotionally incapable of watching their children/spouse have sex on screen, and last but not least, Malaysians.
Because the Malaysian Censorship Board (LPF) rejected a certificate allowing the release of Fifty Shades of Grey into Malaysia’s theaters, those who do want to see the film will either have to pirate it or live without.
Chairman of the Censorship Board Abdul Halim Abdul said that “the Board made a decision in view of the film containing scenes that are not of natural sexual content,” stating that this content was “more sadistic, featuring scenes of a woman being tied to a bed and whipped.”
Malaysia’s actions come as no surprise when taking into consideration their conservative Muslim background. In fact, this has not been the only form of entertainment that Malaysia has banned in their country’s history.
For example, the Malaysian Censorship Board also rejected the film Bruno for promoting homosexuality, banned Ke$ha from performing due to the presence of obscene poses and messages in her concerts, and also prevented the release of Darren Aronofsky’s film Noah because it was an interpretation of the life of a prophet.
Fifty Shades has been a controversial topic since the moment it was published. Its banning in Malaysia only proves that no matter where you go in the world, people either love or loath Christian Grey.