UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: ADU ‘Likes’ Its Status As Leader in Social Media Usage

AMBER VERNETTI WRITES – Abu Dhabi University’s status was updated to “feeling social” last week after Facebook data revealed that the institution accounts for 80% of all social media involvement among other universities in the surrounding area. In respect to this extensive usage, the 2013 Arab Social Media Report recognized Arabic as social…

Full Article UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: ADU ‘Likes’ Its Status As Leader in Social Media Usage

TAIWAN: Plurk – or Tweet?!

BRIAN CANAVE WRITES — Taiwanese netizens are obsessed with social media and social media giants, Facebook and Twitter, do not fail to recognize this. This is in lieu to Facebook and Twitters announcements to further tap into the potential of Taiwanese markets. But why are these companies so eager to have…

Full Article TAIWAN: Plurk – or Tweet?!