NORTH KOREA: Now Broadcasting Live

North Korea’s young new leader, Kim Jong-un, has embarked on yet another (relatively) shocking endeavor. The micro-managed state-controlled television company has initiated the occasional live broadcast. Under the late Kim Jong-il, such communication was nonexistent due to a high risk of technical difficulties and “mishaps.” Since his death four months…

Full Article NORTH KOREA: Now Broadcasting Live

SOUTH KOREA: Newspaper Retaliates After Being Denied Access to Press Meeting

The Korea Times, a major daily newspaper in South Korea, has been publishing less than favorable articles regarding Admiral Samuel Locklear, Commander of the U.S. Pacific Command. After being denied access to Locklear’s April 17th press meeting, the paper has released several “sensationalized” articles, such as “USFK Commander Too Media…

Full Article SOUTH KOREA: Newspaper Retaliates After Being Denied Access to Press Meeting

NORTH KOREA: Despite International Push to Cancel Launch, North Korea Presses On

North Korea has reaffirmed its plans to continue with an announced rocket launch to put a satellite into orbit, despite facing widespread opposition from the international community.  The launch is widely speculated to be a cover for testing missile technology and therefore a violation of a UN Security Council Resolution.…

Full Article NORTH KOREA: Despite International Push to Cancel Launch, North Korea Presses On


The news media in South Korea is properly cautious about North Korea’s latest pitch to suspend parts of its nuclear program, to allow international inspectors onto suspected sites, and to halt long-range missile tests. Since 1994, endlessly back and forth across the Korean Peninsula, after all, negotiations of some sort over the nuclear issue have been on-going or going off on tangents — or (most often) going nowhere.