FOUNDER TOM PLATE WRITES — How can a fiery logjam be tamed by throwing more logs onto the fire? The Backstory: The Korean mess began brewing long before the current U.S. administration took power. It is true that since January President Donald Trump’s madman/rocket man pugnacity has unnerved just about…
Tag: China Daily
To our readers: In much of the world’s media, especially in the western media, Liu Xiaobo is consistently described as a tragic figure and heroic human-rights crusader. So there is no need to reprint those widespread accounts here. Less known in the West is the perspective of the Beijing establishment,…
From CHINA DAILY in Beijing – Under an ambitious agreement, the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and the Financial Review newspapers (Fairfax Media) will issue an eight-page English-language edition of “China Watch” once a month starting this month. “In the process of international communication, China Daily has been forging alliance…
TOM PLATE WRITES – I have been traveling to Asia and writing about it in various newspapers and journals for two decades, and I have visited China enough times to know it closely. My observation about China is substantially different from most of the written accounts I read or video-view…
HONG KONG: Alibaba Investing in SCMP Group?
MIRANDA PAK WRITES – China’s biggest e-commerce company, Alibaba is rumored to be in talks about investing in SCMP Group Ltd, which publishes Hong Kong’s leading English newspaper the South China Morning Post. According to China Daily, Alibaba is trying to expand into the media and entertainment industries. More specifically, the e-commerce entity…
LMU/LOS ANGELES: ‘Interactive International’ Seminars Launched
Asia Media Writes — This past spring semester, LMU competed three live interactive seminars with Fudan University in Shanghai, as well as a media workshop with China Daily, the English language daily in Beijing with the largest circulation in the world’s most populous nation. The Fudan series was conducted in…
CHINA, SOUTH KOREA, and JAPAN: To Face the Future, Respect the Past
LEXIE TUCKER WRITES– If China, South Korea, and Japan were humans instead of countries, you might say their relationship status would be “It’s Complicated.” The three are geographical neighbors, and treat each other as such – they are cordial when they need to be, but behind closed doors are not…
Following courtesy of Agence France-Presse: Forced confessions through torture are not rare in China, the leading English-language newspaper of China said yesterday, a rare admission by state-run media of deep-seated flaws in the justice system after a teenager executed for murder 18 years ago was cleared. “It has not…
BEIJING: Honors for ‘Coffin in the Mountain’
COURTESY OF CHINA DAILY USA: The Chinese movie “Coffin in the Mountain” has been honored with the Grand Prix at the 30th edition of the prestigious Warsaw Film Festival. This is the most important section of the famed international competition. The award was accepted by director Xin Yukun. The film…
CHINA: Utilize Diverse Cultural Traits to Expand Soft Power
BY A ‘CHINA DAILY’ STAFF WRITER FROM BEIJING — Are you a fan of Sherlock Holmes? Do you think the Arthur Conan Doyle-created character can take on Edward Snowden, the former US National Security Agency operative who exposed Washington’s controversial global surveillance program? If “yes”, how about a cat-and-mouse game…
BEIJING: Daily Agrees — More Cautious Than Bold
CHINA DAILY, the official English language daily newspaper of the world’s most populated country, is careful about what is published, whether in the actual newspaper or online as the official e-paper. So it is probably significant that it recently ran an op-ed with the headline: “It Pays to Be Caution…
CHINA: Media Helps Spread Environmental Awareness
LEXIE TUCKER WRITER – Even as all eyes were on Singapore and the blanket of Sumatran smoke choking the island, mainland China’s State Council was taking steps to help clear that country’s air. According to local media reports, the council approved several specific measures to fight further air pollution, a…
CHINA: Local Media Demands Justice for Angel of Death
LEXIE TUCKER WRITES – Nurses. We trust them to take care of the sick and, as their name suggests, nurture their patients back to health. But what happens when they shirk their duties and instead harm the very people they are supposed to be watching over? On May 31, local…
HONG KONG: Media Torn On US Election
Hong Kong media’s reaction to the reelection of President Barack Obama has proved to be diverse, to say the least. Just compare the Hong Kong edition of the New York Times Rendezvous Blog to the China Daily’s Hong Kong Opinion section! The two sources seem to differ significantly. While the…
CHINA versus PHILIPPINES: Media Reports of Tension
Since April, China and the Philippines have been involved in a tense dispute over Huangyan Island in the South China Sea, and the Filipino media has been quick to defend its nation’s legitimacy in the region. The quarrel was initiated with the recent Philippine harassment of Chinese fishermen who sought harbor on the…
CHINA: Newspaper’s Spin on Policy Unconvincing
Last month the United Nation Security Council took up a resolution that called for the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, to step down. As one of the five permanent members of the Security Council, China voted against it, along with Russia. China remains adamant in its decision despite the outcry from…